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  • 2012-06-09
    Today was really hard day for me. I've had visited 4 place, hospital, meeting,
    work... my publishing company, my home and~ return to my office 휴으~~

    So tried now but I have done my duty today, studying for own myself.

    Thanks, Have a Beautiful weekend night and Nice sunday everyone~~
  • 2012-06-08
    Ohh-wo... So tired today... I feel strange.

    Today I've learned,

    "We're still sort of in the infancy of everything."

    Thanks, Have a nice day everyone~
  • 2012-06-07
    I'm recovery! Energe charging 97.82444... percent. ^_^;V

    Today I learned,

    "It's best to let the market choose."

    That's definitely right.

    Thanks, Have an energetic day everyone~~
  • 2012-06-06
    Today is the Memorial Day.

    A day off from work and school but this day is not just holiday.
    We certainly need to remain silent about the Patriotic.

    Our national flag of Korea, this name is Taegeukgi. When hang
    out the Taegeukgi, we should put it as long as the height of
    the flag, because it is mourning flag.

    Let us all remain silent of five minutes about the patriotic,
    soldiers around the world and compatriotic, died for us.

    Thanks, Have a peaceful day everyone~
  • 2012-06-05
    My physical strength could be totally ruined.... 휴..;;;

    Today I learned,

    "I can't do as much as I would like to do."

    Yes, really...

    Thanks, Have a Nice evening everyone~~
  • 2012-06-04
    I finally got into bed at 7 pm yesterday evening, But,
    why I slept early but why I work up late? Um....mm;;

    Today I learned,

    "You need literature and philosophy to have, a good soul."

    Absolutely, it's a really right mention!

    Thanks, Have a Gereat day everyone~~
  • 2012-06-03
    Today...it seems to be pretty busy day. But I've been lucky
    enough to keep pretty busy. ....I think.^_^""""헥헥헥;;;;;;;

    Thanks, Have a Good Sunday everyone~~
  • 2012-06-02
    Crazy busy even today...... since yesterday.
    I feel like dying.. so exhausted...헥헥헥.;;;;;

    Thanks, Have a Gerat weekend everyone~
  • 2012-06-02
    I've been incredibly busy today.....so very tired now.
    But I have done it today's my own study with difficulty.
    .. 휴으~

    Thanks, Have a good night everyone~
  • 2012-05-31
    Oh~ Yale...it's a really, really academic school. This is a actually
    real school. Hum..... I think.

    Stay heslthy, stay happy. ^^;;;;

    ...Wait..!! why my stomach hurts again...? Ai~go~~~

    Thanks, Have a Happy day everyone~
2024년 영어회화 고객만족도 1위, 스피킹맥스
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