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  • 2012-05-30
    Today's tip. Growing up English speaking skill by Speaking Max.

    "The only way you're ever going to get out of talking like a child is
    if you grow up like a child does."

    NiCE and RIGHT advice! ...I think,^^;;; Um.. I want to grow up to
    9 years old native kid, even. 쩝쩝쩝...

    Thanks, Have a Nice and Good day everyone~
  • 2012-05-29
    "China, Opportunity or Threat?

    Um... I don't fee like I am even going to tackle that subject. But let me to add...
    because this Speaking Max has a lot of wide range of issues. 하하~

    I thought USA policy is always selfish! USA using China at that time because cheap and
    plentiful labor, its how manny help USA economy. Now China, their own country's capital
    is bringing back, it's really not good but more and more bad things are USA hypocritical
    politics. And every countries don't like telling them what to do. We also hate Americans
    telling about our country Politicial.

    Really hope that USA economy will get better in the future. But don't forget it

    "As you sow, so shall you reap"

    Personally, I hope that we don't care for the consequences about that who grasps the
    supremacy of the world economy, China or USA. Now, that have noting to change the slavish
    at our standpoint.

    Only, We absolutely need an Independent Spirit of us!

    Thanks, Have a peaceful day everyone~
  • 2012-05-28
    Wow~ Today is Buddha's Birthday. Hey~ Siddhartha Happy birthday to you!

    I love Buddha's Birthday also Christmas, too. And I really love Halloween~ ,
    the Halloween is Devil's Birthday... I think,,하.하.핫 ^^;;;; All Soul's Day!

    In my opinion there are Not absolute Evil and Good of the world, just they
    are live in human minds. The universe, the time, all materials, quality and
    quantity all of the matter, they are connected within a human minds grouping.

    WE ARE THE WORLD ! 하하하~ Avalokitesvara.....

    Thanks, Have a peaceful day everyone~
  • 2012-05-27
    Ah~oooo... Today, my physical condition is pretty B~ad. ...since yesterday.

    Ai~go..고로로로로로,,고로로 feel like I'm dying, might be catching a cold
    in this Springtime~ OMG! Actually I need a Pizza with a lot of Money topping~~~

    A guy says "We have to be a happy person!"

    Thanks, Have a Happy Sunday everyone~
  • 2012-05-26
    I think... this Speaking Max teaching a little bit of philosophy.
    It stands to reason that every cultures lives in the philosophy.

    The novelist who was Yesterday, he is Saying Today,

    "You know, ladies will wear their most expensive garments dripping in
    jewelry and carry a little purse and, just look good as possible, be as
    thin as possible, of course.

    Because the goal weight in New York, let's all be honest, it's about two
    pounds above organ failure. Everyone just wants to look. Everyone just
    wants to be cool.

    That's the big secret about this city, I think. It's a big secret. Everyone
    just wants to be cool."

    하하하하 .. That's the big secret? .. A~ha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..ha~
    Um....you mean it the New York has No brain city? Just admit it. But...
    I think everywhere same. 하하하하. Anyway, I really like you.

    Thanks, Have a Great and Nice weekend everyone~
  • 2012-05-25
    Wow~ today studying, it's really,really FUN~~

    A novelist's sying,

    "I deal with prostituton and rape and drug abuse an necrophilia,
    and selling your body and selling your soul and just trying to make...

    It's sort of about the struggles and it's about faith and it's about
    destiny, so I feel like I need to prepare myself for a lot of negative
    criticism for it because there is going to be a lot of people that hate

    I wrote it down because I wanted to write it down and read it if I want.
    What I'm saying? Burn it. Take it off the school list, I don't care."

    Wow! so cool~you're right. I'd surely buy your stuff.
    I'm on your side .. 하하... Nice!

    Thanks. Have a Great day everyone~
  • 2012-05-24
    Today studying is very cool~

    This speaking Max really covers a wide variety of topics including social issues!!

    ....Opinion on homosexuality,

    "Thas's a really interesting topic right now beacuse our nation's
    going through so many different viewpoints of it. A lot of people believe that
    it's absolutely wrong, that it's anti-Christian. Other people think and feel
    that it's more of a natural part, and that would be more of my opinion."

    I actually subscribe to your opinion. And I'm also on their side
    because I have a lot of friends, gay, lesbian, transgender,
    transexual and intersesual, even transgender-lesbian, etc.

    "It's not so much a choice, but really is an aspect of who they are."

    That's really right! I thought... there is nobody flawless in life on this planet.

    Thanks. Have a beautiful day everyone~
  • 2012-05-23
    Today, I think it was a very enjoyable time because I got enough
    sleep yesterday night, so I'm recharged my whole energy. 하하~

    "Learning about the culture is also really important.
    Because language is a reflection of the culture
    and the culture is a reflection of the language."

    I remember that saying and... Definitely! I agree!

    Thanks. Have a Great day everyone~
  • 2012-05-22
    I haven't study yesterday, also the day befor yesterday because
    I got a meeting for work in Busan and.. I met my old friend.

    I was very happy ...but I really drunk so much...

    So,,,으어~ ..very tired now. Feel like I'm dying of exhaustion.

    Thanks, Have a lucky day everyone~~
  • 2012-05-18
    악.... 프라이데이라고 쓴거 같당....Fry~ day...........zzzzz 컥컥거.걱!
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