It's been raining all day. And I feel extreamly tired. Cause I went to Seoul last weekend. It takes about 5 hours to get there by bus. So It made me so painful. However, I was happy to see my friends out there. We all couldn't make up for 6 years. So it was great time. And I wish we could catch up very soon.
" 패턴 익히면 영어가 쉬워요! ^.^ "
항상 느끼는 것이지만 스피킹맥스는 정말 획기적인 프로그램이 아닐까 싶습니다.
머릿 속에 쏙쏙 들어오기도 하고 현장감을 주시기 때문에 영어가 점점 재미있습니다. 오늘도 정말 보람차게 마무리하고 ~ 지금 교재 복습하러 가네요~~ㅎㅎ