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  • 2012-05-18
    "What does happiness mean to you?" Mrs. Susan Pfeffer, asked it to a lady.

    "Happiness is when you find balance in your life, where you don't have sort of expectations
    that you have to worry about from others. you just find that sort of equilibrium. You kind
    of have like, true happiness, where you can just be."

    There is a so much lovely lady who is absolutely beauty and charming... fascinating!
    Today, also, I was given a cool teaching from SpeakingMax! Thank you so much.

    On this day,

    May 18, the 32th anniversary of the Gwangju democracy movement in Korea.

    May I ask for one minute of silent tribute for democratization, departed
    soul in the cause of justice, human rights and liberal democracy.

    Thanks. Have a Great fryday everyone~
  • 2012-05-17
    P~hewww--- very tired today.... hewwww~~

    Studying after working, and checking mail... so busy..
    I guess... it's going to be a pretty busy day. 하하..

    Thanks, Have a great day everyone~
  • 2012-05-16
    악... 이럴수가 쓰던중에 올라가다닝... 노트북이라 저절로 터치패드가 작동을...
    이것때문에 영어스팰 쓸때도 무지 신경쓰이는데 결국 이런 실수를 하고 마는구낭..어흑.

    기억도 안낭당......어흐. 뭐라 썼더라. 욧점만 써야겠다.

    In SpeakingMax at NY course, Advice studying English,

    "So in everything I'm saying is love. So when you put love and you put it like,
    from your heart, your talent, your attitude, you are always, you're going to be the best."

    영어를 사랑하려고 한적은 없는 것 같다. 정복을 하려고 했을 뿐.
    언어의 정복은 불가능하다는 것을 알면서도... 사랑보다는 정복을 하려고 했었다.

    ...영원한 동반을 하려고 한다면 정복따위는 필요없지 않을까...

    오늘은 깊은 깨달음을 얻은 날 이었다고 생각한다.

    I heartily Thank you SpeakingMax.

    Thanks. Have a beautiful day everyone~
  • 2012-05-16
    Ah...Um... First, I want to say, Thank you ver much!

    Today studying is that Study of the study.

    "Can you give advice to Korean students who are studying English?"

    Mrs. Susan Pfeffer asked somebody about that.

  • 2012-05-15
    Today is '스승 의 날'
    (teacher's day....오 노우~ 안 어울려, master's day. 역시 스승과는 달라~)

    The Korean Hangeul is Great and very wise! 흠흠!

    By the way,

    Congratulations all 스승님, on your day in the world !
    On this day, why don't you write a letter to your teacher and "Thank you?"
    Everybody did it? Yes! Great~ Well done. ^.^;;

    Congratulations my Great English teacher 'SpeakingMax.'
    Thank you so much for your teaching. //~(*♥.♥*)~//

    Thanks. Everyone have a Nice afternoon~
  • 2012-05-14
    카카카..Hey~ Everybody look at this kid who is cute and shrewd~
    Ah ahahaah. kid says his mom~

    "She is sometimes fun. Most of the time she is bossy and pushy,
    and sometimes she is just a pain in the necK."

    하하하^^;;When I heard it I thought of my daughtere's childhood.

    And... a very cool and gorgeous performer says
    "If I'm working with people that make me feel happy and satisfied
    artistically, then that's ok with me too."


    Thanks, Have a Great Monday everyone~
  • 2012-05-13
    I really love Martial arts. It's been a really long time since I have personally
    followed and learning that Kendo(Tenshin Shoden Katori ryu),Aikido and taekkyon.
    But originally I was boxer, not good player also no lucky ":D

    I like Basketball, too. I think.. Basketbal's fascination part is having
    very exciting competitiion even if two people.

    엉...근데 토, 일요일에는 후기를 안쓰게 해둔게 아닐까....음음음?
    Dosen't used to be like it? either, my computer have error but I have to write English
    diary combine review of due date my own study. I can't just write diary~ ㅜㅜ;;

    Have a Nice and Great Sunday evening~ Thanks.
  • 2012-05-11
    오홋! There She and Guy are! Mrs Susan Pfeffer is interviewer
    and Mr Ryan Russell is interviewee in NY course.

    타시보뉘 팡카워요오우~ Mr Ryan and Mrs Susan. :D

    Aha! He loves the Phantom of the Opera.

    Yes, you're right. I really love that, too~ It's incredible and amazing
    but I couldn't see it at the opera house in Broadway, just screen....
    I actually want to go the opera house in there.

    Have Nice evening everyone~ Thanks.
  • 2012-05-10
    Today, I got a online meeting so I couldn't study in the morning.
    It's very hard and tired.

    Wow~ great! I got a ring! jajajajaja~ //v( `∇´)v/////

    I graduated Western prestigious universities Stanford and Berkeley!

    And then... now I go to see Steven Paul 'Steve' Jobs....But he is Nirvana,
    he was a Buddhist. Um.. I have to go the Nirvana for meet him.

    There is a SpeckingMax and I learn to speak English with it.

    It's been a blast! :p

    Thanks. Have a Gerat tomorrow~
  • 2012-05-08
    아고 피곤해라... 밤새서 일을 하고 공부 하자니,,,정말 장난 아니궁.
    그러나 피곤에 떨어지면 할 새가 없으니.....오늘로 무사히 마쳤다.

    그나저나 유씨 버클리가,,, 그,, 성공회 사제였던 유명한 영국철학자
    조지 버클리가 세운 대학이 맞는감?... 멋지궁.

    나는 배만 아프고........지엔장~

    This SpeakingMax is really cool, because you get to design your own course.

    Have a super nice day~ Thanks.
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