April Evans (에어프릴 에반스)
요가 교사 | Houston, USA
에이프릴은 연기 활동을 비롯해 헬스클럽과 요가 학원에서 일하는 등 바쁘게 지내고 있다. 텍사스주 휴스턴 출신인 그녀는 5살 때부터 연기 수업을 받았는데, 현대무용가인 어머니와 무대기술자인 아버지의 영향을 많이 받았다고 한다. 에이프릴은 대학에서 주로 신체적 표현에 관해 공부했고, 이를 바탕으로 하는 여러 작품에 출연하고 있다.
April does many things, including acting, working at a health club and a yoga studio, as well as studying to be a yoga teacher. She came to New York from Houston, Texas. Back in Texas she started taking acting classes when she was five. Her parents are also working in the field of performance arts. Her mother is a modern dancer and her father is a technician for concerts. Her college studies involved a training method called Suzuki, based on physical movements to perform. It was a very interesting and unique experience for her, and since then she has done a couple of performances involving physical activities.