Joshua Jackson (조슈아 잭슨)
영화 배우 | Nashville, USA
테네시 주 내슈빌에서 자란 조슈아는 더 많은 기회를 누리기 위해 뉴욕행을 결심했다. 조슈아는 현재 배우로 활동함과 동시에 첫 소설책의 출판을 기다리고 있는 작가이다. 배우의 세계는 경쟁과 시기가 난무하는데, 특히 자신과 비슷한 또래의 배우들 간에 경계가 심하다고 한다. 조슈아는 이러한 점이 마음에 들지 않지만 성공한 배우이자 작가가 되어 부모님께 좋은 아들이 되고자 한다.
Joshua grew up in Nashville, Tennessee but now lives in Brooklyn, New York. Beside the fact that some of his family lives in New York, he felt attracted to and decided to come to New York because he felt there were many opportunities waiting for him there. He does many things for a living: he is an actor, a novelist who is waiting for his first novel published soon, a worker at luxury health club, and a writer for a magazine, among other things. He described the acting field in New York as competitive, with a lot of jealousy and backstabbing, especially among actors his age. He doesnt like that they compete vigorously with and feel anxious to beat each other. He wants to be successful as an actor and novelist as well as be a good son to his parents.