Umm...I think I was bored today's lesson.
Because I learned about transportation of san fran cisco.
In fact, I don't much interested in publish transportation.
However I'm proud me to finish today's work.
Yeah,today's lessons were nice.
I started new course,San fran cisco.
Because I watched a movie recently.
And there's background is sanfrancisco.
So that's why I started that course.
Yeah,today's lessons were great.
I learned about brooklen.
I usually learning about the williamsbug.
I really want to go there later.
So that's my opinion about today's class.
Oh,today was nice in my opinion.
I leanred about fashions,studioes,spend money on famous brand things like that.
So I love to enjoy my fashion.
But I don't think it is important to buy a famous brand.