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  • bari****리얼 캘리포니아
    804일차 오늘의 두근톡, 얼마나 자주 How often do you~ How often do you go hiking? How often do you watch a movie? How often do you travel? How often do you shop? How many times a week of the swim? Why do you want to go hiking in swiss? How often do you eat out? I've ended up spending all the money. I've ended up visiting all the countries in Asia. I've ended up buying a new watch.
  • bari****리얼 캘리포니아
    803일차 ~하기 딱 좋은날이야 It's the perfect day to do the laundry. It's the perfect day to go to the beach. It's the perfect day to do the laundry. It's the perfect day to go hiking. It's the perfect day to watch fireworks. Besides 무엇뿐만아니라 게다가 Besides, the sky is a clear and dry day. Besides, the weather is so nice. Besides, the food is great.
  • bari****리얼 캘리포니아
    802일차 오늘의 두근톡은 던지고 받으면. All you have to do is~ ~하기 하면 된. All you have to do is click the button. All you have to do is ask me. All You have to do is follow me. Sounds great a play frisbee. Will have a blast. We had a blast. Everyone had a blast.
  • bari****리얼 캘리포니아
    801일차 ~할의향이있다. I'm open to meeting new people. I'm open to riding it. I'm open to your suggestion. I'm open to riding it. What kind of restaurant is it? I'm open to learning a new language. I'm open to living with my parents. Either way, it's the same. Either way, I don't care. Anyway, I was going to throw it in the trash. Either way, It was my mistake.
  • 2021-07-25
    800일차 오늘의 두근톡은 ~할 의향이 있다. I'm willing to help you. ~ try new food. ~, wait. Not really, but~ try. I'm willing to go with you. I think I'm getting kind of Hungry. This neighborhood is kind of scary. I'm still kind of tired. Sure But I think, I'm getting kind of hungry. I'll let you decide. I kind of like this. Which one should we try it? It was worth the wait.
  • bari****리얼 캘리포니아
    799일차 오늘의 두근톡 Jetlag ~ 시차적응 Jason is suffering from Jetlag. It must be the Jetlag. I always get Jetlag when I travel overseas. I used to take classes. I haven't done it in a while though. I had Jetlag for a week. I hope you don't suffer from Jetlag. Can you tell me how you handle Jetlag? Shot시도하다 Let's give it a shot. You should give it a shot. I'll give it a shot. 한번 해볼께 I'm going to give it a shot. Now that we are here Let's give it a shot.
  • bari****리얼 캘리포니아
    798일차 It's been ages~무엇을 한지 오래되었다 It's been ages Since I watched a movie. It's been ages since we talked last time. It's been ages since I saw you. It's been ages since I last saw you. It's been ages since I went to a mall. It's been ages since we had dinner together. What brings to you~여기는 무슨일이야? What brings you to korea? What bring you to here?
  • bari****리얼 캘리포니아
    797일차 오늘의 두근톡 I am saving money for vacation. I bought the notepad for writing. I need some money for the trip. Are those for the rent, too. How do I rent one? I want to rent a car for the Trip. How do I ~어떻게 무엇을 아나요? How do I get to the Bus stop? How do I apply for a VISA? How do I fix this? How do I rent a scooter? How do I sign up for this program.
  • bari****리얼 캘리포니아
    796일차 오늘의 두근톡 I'm about to ~지금막~하게되다니 믿겨지지가 않아. I'm about to leave. 나가려던 참이야. 지금 막 ~하려고 할때 I'm about to go shower. I'm going to ~가까운미래의 시점표시할때 I'm about to make a reservation for dinner. 꽤 잘해~ I'm quite good at~ 꽤 잘해, I'm good at basketball. I'm good at dancing. I'm good at cooking. <-> I'm not good~
  • bari****리얼 캘리포니아
    795일차 오늘의 두근톡은 서핑하기. I'll go with+사물(무엇을 선택하다), I'll go with seafood pasta. I'll go with the blue one. I'll take anything except the black. I'll go with a window seat. I'll go with the seafood pasta. Why is that? 왜그런겨? I like the white one over there. What do you mean by moving aboard. What do you mean by quitting a job? What do you mean by canceling the reservation? I don't catch your point.
2023년 영어회화 고객만족도 1위, 스피킹맥스
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2023 영어회화
    한국고객만족도 1위
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    4년 연속
    대한민국 퍼스트브랜드
    영어회화 부문 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015~2019 5년 연속
    어학교육분야 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2016 중앙일보
    우수브랜드 1위
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 앱어워드코리아
    영어교육부문 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 K-ICT
    미래부장관 수상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 벤처활성화
    산업부장관 표창
(주) 스터디맥스 대표이사 : 조세원 | 주소 : 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로30길 28 마리오타워 9F | 사업자등록번호 : 119-86-08751
개인정보관리책임자 : 정연중 | 통신판매업신고 : 제 2022-서울구로-0530호 | 서울시 남부교육청인가 1001호 스터디맥스 원격평생교육원
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