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  • 2020-07-23
    Do you think you did your best?
    But the efforts doesn'y have a limiation.
    If you wanna do your best on something then what you have to do is just keep doing it.
    That is the best thing when you want to acommplish own something and be the exports on something you want to accomplish.
  • 2020-07-22
    I do finished work for today but I felt that there's no meaning of it.
    Actually, I do like to be a best of a something but the way of get into it is really difficult for me to accomplish.
    But I will do my best eventhough there are hardship and any kind of agonies are facing on me.
    Let's get over it , and let's split it until I can go to forward!!
  • 2020-07-21
    I just did my best but I am not sure which one should I believe in .
    Because, there are so many trickster in the world.
    They are always makes person believe what they are looking at eventhough that is not a true.
    It's so tragedy there are so many people in the world who is try to make fun of someone only for their benefit.
  • 2020-07-20
    I did it finally I did it but it's not enough ..
  • 2020-07-19
    Good dya commander good to treach make it tender
  • 2020-07-19
    Dizzy day dizzy night all the things are doesn't make me good but I have to do it without any reasons
  • 2020-07-14
    I made it and it was
    rainiy today ...
  • 2020-07-12
    Quiet good day but pretty tired . try to nothing to do and I am just taking a rest in my house all day do thing cuz I am just feel like to take a rest.
  • 2020-07-10
    The day is always looks so beautiful but there are a lots of painful things are existing all of the stuffs are the most difficult thing and it's really difficult to overcome.
    Somewhat , we have to keep moving because we are still alive.
  • 2020-07-09
    Day by day I am struggle with me because I always persuading a high idealology however my actual ability is not permitted for to be a great person.
    In some day I will be I always saying myself but the person who is to be a great is always the person who has a good intelligence quentity but not a person who has a bad iq.
2023년 영어회화 고객만족도 1위, 스피킹맥스
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2023 영어회화
    한국고객만족도 1위
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    4년 연속
    대한민국 퍼스트브랜드
    영어회화 부문 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015~2019 5년 연속
    어학교육분야 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2016 중앙일보
    우수브랜드 1위
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 앱어워드코리아
    영어교육부문 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 K-ICT
    미래부장관 수상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 벤처활성화
    산업부장관 표창
(주) 스터디맥스 대표이사 : 조세원 | 주소 : 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로30길 28 마리오타워 9F | 사업자등록번호 : 119-86-08751
개인정보관리책임자 : 정연중 | 통신판매업신고 : 제 2022-서울구로-0530호 | 서울시 남부교육청인가 1001호 스터디맥스 원격평생교육원
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