I took a survival cource for the first time and it was very interesting for me. I felt little bit boring with basic pattern course, but I could refresh due to survival course.
eclectic eclectic 다방면에 걸친
splurge splurge 과소비
pricey pricey 값비싼
bid bid 입찰 경매
strategy strategy 전략
trolly trolly 카트
kill time kill time 시간을 때우다
cruise around cruise around 돌아다니다
rally rally rally 집회
secondhand secondhand 중고의, firsthand 직접
transparent transparent 투명한, 명백한
frection frection 부분,일부
mid- range mid -range 중간급의
price point price point 기준 소매가격
rejection rejection 거절