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  • 2016-07-25
    it has been a long time to study speaking max. I learned several useful expressions like " get down on " and " prestigious products" which means " brand - name products or name brand products". Actually, i try to study all of the sentences in every episode, but it takes a lot of time to master all sentences, so I had better select good sentences and make an effort to memorize them. Hopefully, I keep going on studying this speaking max.
  • 2016-04-22
    Today I finished day2 of week 5 section, which made me happy. And I learned about Union Square where there are so many people and artists who sell their works on the street and draw people just passing by. I think it seems like Meong dong area in Korea.
  • 2016-04-07
    today, I heard people's opinions about children's education and one of the speaker stresses the parents' active role in their children's life. He thinks parents' role is the most important thing regarding the education because their honesty and nature starts from their house. I totally agree with him.
  • 2016-03-22
    Today, I learned about the expressions like "look up to", which refers to "respect" and fuzzy. One of the speakers talks about him favorite TV show. I also have a favorite tv program, "그것이 알고 싶다" It is dealing with the crime and unusual things, which could help solve the accidents which has not been solved until now. I think that the program is really important because the public can be reminded of what has happened around us.
  • 2016-01-06
    it was good.
    I try to memorize the useful expressions like close enough, give it a try. let me taste some.

    sometimes, it is hard for me to pronunciate certain words but I just try to get used to it.

    thank you : )
  • 2012-01-16
    오늘은 콜러버스 서클에 대해서 공부했어요.
    콜럽버스에 대해서 말할때 모두 공통된 답변을 했지만 내용은 같지만 다른 방식으로 표현된문자들을 들어서 좋았습니다.^^
2024년 영어회화 고객만족도 1위, 스피킹맥스
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