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  • LV 57cyki****뉴욕편
    When I travel in Korea, usually I don't have any plan. But when I go abroad I think I have to make some plans. Because I know Korea better than other countries so I'm familiar here but foreign country is a little bit scared.
  • LV 57cyki****뉴욕편
    I'm living with my boyfriend now. The good thing about living together is that we aren’t bored cause we can play with each other anytime. But the bad thing is actually we don't take the rule we made pretty well. So we sometimes argue, but I wanna live together again and again. Because I'm happy to be with him and love him.
  • LV 57cyki****뉴욕편
    These days I play computer games with friend from Japan.it is great because I can learn Japanese and grow my game skill. So I'm so excited to play with him.
  • LV 57cyki****뉴욕편 외 1건
    Where do you go the most in new York? I wanna go to new York just. I wanna go everywhere in New York. Experiencing other culture, other place, whatever about different things is interesting! So iwanna go other country!
  • LV 57cyki****해외에서 살아남기
    My worst experience of my traveling is...I can't remember certainly about the name of that place but I can remember the experience there. I and my boyfriend went to somewhere like big park with a lot of plant and animals, and we wanted to look around but I wanted to drink water so much but we don't have water. So we had to go back to entrance. My boyfriend was angry because of me and I was upset too.
  • LV 57cyki****해외에서 살아남기
    There was a interesting hero in today's study. He fights the villain inside the body not outside. He gets rid of the idea that make himself think that he is not good and not enough. He said we have to save our confidence. I remember him.andI'm so thankful to him cause he teach me so much important thing. I will live with his advice.:)
  • LV 57cyki****해외에서 살아남기
    How can I manage when I am sick while traveling? I think I will go to the pharmacy first. And buy some medicine that I need to take it. But I think I always have to carry emergency medicine also. Cause sometimes there is drugstore nearby. So you have to be careful too when traveling!
  • LV 57cyki****해외에서 살아남기
    Today's question is 'what do you like to for shop?'. I like shop for clothes. I've come to like to decorate my self since I turned 20. So now I like were skirt like one-piece. So these days I love were pretty skirt so I like shop clothes.
  • LV 57cyki****해외에서 살아남기
    Today many foreigners said their traveling experience. Actually I haven't been out of Korea so it's difficult to say my traveling story but I can't forget the busan! I remember the traffic of busan.it was so crowded and difficult but so funny. I wanna go there again:) also I wanna go abroad.
  • LV 57cyki****해외에서 살아남기
    Today I learned how to explain my traveling experience. I haven't tell to someone about my trip so it was my first! It was more fun than I I will study too tomorrow. See you!
2023년 영어회화 고객만족도 1위, 스피킹맥스
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2023 영어회화
    한국고객만족도 1위
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    4년 연속
    대한민국 퍼스트브랜드
    영어회화 부문 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015~2019 5년 연속
    어학교육분야 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2016 중앙일보
    우수브랜드 1위
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 앱어워드코리아
    영어교육부문 대상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 K-ICT
    미래부장관 수상
  • 스피킹맥스 메달 이미지
    2015 벤처활성화
    산업부장관 표창
(주) 스터디맥스 대표이사 : 조세원 | 주소 : 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로30길 28 마리오타워 9F | 사업자등록번호 : 119-86-08751
개인정보관리책임자 : 정연중 | 통신판매업신고 : 제 2022-서울구로-0530호 | 서울시 남부교육청인가 1001호 스터디맥스 원격평생교육원
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